Art & Design Blog Articles
Is a Bachelor’s Degree in Game Design Right for You?
Do you have a passion for video games? Have you ever considered turning that pas...
Why is Art History Important? 12 Key Lessons
What comes to mind when you hear the term “Art History”? Perhaps you...
The Fascinating World of Game Design Psychology: Unlocking the Secrets to Player Motivation
Dedicated gamers and novices alike often report an intriguing phenomenon: becomi...
Choosing Between a BA and BFA in Art & Design: Which Is Right for You?
Individuals fueled by creativity may want to pursue a career in the arts. Recogn...
A 21st-Century Activist’s Guide to Contemporary Art
Do you have a keen appreciation of the arts and would like to parlay your intere...
The Renaissance Art Period: History, Effects, and Influential Artists
From the medieval art period to the ages of Impressionism, Surrealism, and Postm...